Once & Future

Charlotte Ashley – Book seller, collector, writer, editor, historian

July 30, 2015

The Last of my Hugo Reviews

This month was a slog, but I made it in just under the deadline! The voting for the 2015 Hugo Awards closes tomorrow, Friday, July 31st. Cast your ballot! If you don’t know what to vote for, consider what I have to say about the short fiction categories. I’ve reviewed them all, lastly the novellas, at Apex Magazine.

July 9, 2015

Reviewing the Hugo Nominees: Best Novelette

It took me forever to slog though them, but Apex has published my reviews of the Hugo nominees for Best Novelette. Novelettes are… long. So, maybe I’m saving you some time, here.

June 29, 2015

Every day I’m publishin’

June 2015: I have to remember this month. It has been a serious banner month for me as a writer, and I’m only just beginning to really digest it all!

I’ve had two stories published!

The first, “Sigrid Under the Mountain,” is in the Summer 2015 issue of The Sockdolager. This is a light and funny story about a feisty and rather cranky woman just trying to live an ordinary life in a world filled with magic, monsters, heroes and villains. “What’s the point of marrying a great, celebrated hero if he won’t even keep kobolds from harrying your cow?” Indeed.

The second, “The Posthuman Condition,” is in the Summer 2015 issue of Kaleidotrope. This is the story of Jesse, an unpaid intern at a transhumanist nightclub, having the worst night of her life. It lands somewhere between splatter horror and cyberpunk with a dose of myth thrown in. TW: suicides. “The God of Post-Man: Who Chooses the Posthuman Condition? A Folly by Jesse Bauman. And Friends.

I’ve also sold three short stories this month!

I have sold my alt-history Revolutionary-era Quebec novelette, “More Heat Than Light,” to The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. This will be my second appearance in F&SF and I’m OVER THE MOON about it. Publication date unconfirmed, but possibly early 2016.

I sold another alt-history, “Eleusinian Mysteries,” to Luna Station Quarterly.This is the story of a Javanese-Dutch mapmaker who discovers a map of a city on the moon, and a secret Dutch East India Company plan to travel there. Publication date September 2015.

The third sale is still a secret, but I hope the TOC will be announced soon! I like having announcements. This is a thing I could serious get used to…

June 4, 2015

Reviews: June 4th 2015

I’m partial to crazy critters, and there are some real doozies on display in the stories I reviewed this week at Apex Magazine! Read ’em and shiver…

April 30, 2015

Reviews: April 30th 2015

I looked at political imprisonment in some short work this week! And let me just recommend both the anthologies I read – Octavia’s Brood ed. Brown & Imarisha and Choose Wisely: 35 Women Up To No Good ed. Nelson & Merriam. Both have a bookload of smart, interesting ideas. Just a sample at Apex!

April 9, 2015

Reviews: April 9th 2015

I love “visceral, gut-level, swashbuckling fun” stories and the good news is there are a lot of them in my “niche, academic, overtly to the Left in ideology” playground. Wondering where? Look no further*!

* Do look further, but look here too.

March 31, 2015

Interview @ the F&SF Blog!

The F&SF blog has posted an interview with me about my piece “La Heron”. This one was really fun to answer and gave me a chance to rant a little about women in martial cultures, high vs low literature, the total plausibility of brawling nuns, and so on. Anything pique your interest? Comment here or there! I like discussions.

March 26, 2015

Reviews: March 26th 2015

Once again, I’ve reviewed some interesting shorts over at Apex Magazine. Parents beware, this time around….

March 25, 2015

Mind Meld!

Over at SF Signal, me and about a hundred other people gave up our thoughts on our favourite (recent) short fiction! It’s a big article, but the key is to look for those stories and writers who merited multiple recommendations…

March 5, 2015

Reviews: March 5th 2015

Yep, it’s that time of the month again: reviews at Apex Magazine time! I really likes me some unapologetically ass-kicking women in my fiction, so I found some goodies for you. And me.

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